As part of our Spring Convocation 2024 coverage, we asked graduates from our six Schools to share their experiences of completing a degree in McGill’s Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. Here, we meet Class of 2024 member Abed Baiad from the School of Medicine. Abed completed his MDCM and receiveD his degree at the Spring Convocation Ceremony on May 28. Congratulations Abed!
Name: Abed Baiad
Degree: MDCM
Hometown: Damascus, Syria
What did you love most about studying at McGill and in the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences?
I loved the huge variety of learning opportunities and the amazing people I got to work with. From the first week of medical school to the very end, McGill offered endless chances to learn and grow. Plus, my teachers and classmates came from all sorts of backgrounds, each bringing their own unique experiences and perspectives. I also appreciated that everyone was passionate about teaching and always eager to help.
Was there a particularly proud moment from your degree?
Being elected class president certainly was one of the most meaningful moments during medical school. Over four years, I collaborated with classmates and faculty members to address hundreds of student concerns and advocate for various improvements in our curriculum. These experiences allowed me to make a positive change, connect our class together, discover a passion for leadership, and step out of my comfort zone to overcome the innate sense of shyness that I had carried with me since childhood.
Fave hangouts and study spots on campus?
Thomson House, McMed 5th floor, McLennan Library 6th floor, the Annex.
A song that defines the past few years as a student at McGill?
Any shoutouts?
Drs. Mathieu Walker, Christian El-Hadad, Sonia Macfarlane, Reuben Ostrofsky and resident doctors Ikram Abow-Mohamed, Tony Jin, Ali Salimi and Alex Calderone. And of course, my family, friends and classmates.
Top tip for incoming students in your program?
Things can get overwhelming quite often, but please remember to take care of yourself and appreciate every opportunity you get. I always reminded myself that, regardless of how things go, I am very privileged to study medicine. I tried to make the most of this privilege by always focusing on the positive side of things. Also remember that, at the end of the day, you are in a powerful position to help every patient you see and make a significant difference in their lives.
Anything you’ll miss?
McGill. I did both my undergraduate degree and medical school at McGill. It has grown to be my home ever since I first immigrated to Canada eight years ago. I will quite miss it.
What’s next for you?
Vancouver! I will be pursuing my training in Ophthalmology at the University of British Columbia