Student Video Challenge:
Whether you’re in architecture or astrophysics, music or medicine, at the undergraduate or graduate level, in 15 seconds, we are calling students from all faculties to put your academic passion to video:
What’s your academic passion, your favourite class, or, what fascinating thing did you learn in class?
How to Enter:
- Record a 15 second video using Instagram or YouTube on your topic. (It’s super short so be creative and have fun with it!) Entries may be in English ou en français – or visual only.
- Tag your entry with: #McGillAndMe
- Officially submit your entry by email to info.communications@mcgill.ca
- Use the subject line #McGillAndMe and include your name andMcGill ID in the email along with a link to the video. (A confirmation receipt will be returned.)
Who can enter:
Any full-time student currently registered at McGill University and residing in Quebec.
Videos may be submitted from Monday, October 21 through to deadline of Thursday, October 31, at 5 pm EST.
We’ll choose what we think are the top 10, and we’ll post those to the McGill Facebook page starting November 1.
Judging will be based on the number of “likes” the video garners on the McGill page. (During the judging period, finalists are free to promote their videos on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook to try to rack up “likes”.)
On November 14th, the top five “liked” videos will then be submitted to a panel of judges to select the final winner. The winner will be announced November 15, on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and this web page.
A dinner for four at a local restaurant (total value $200) will be awarded to the winning entry following the closing of the challenge and winner will be notified by email immediately following. The dinner is sponsored by Office of the VP (Communications & External Relations).
October 30, 2013