The McGill Medical Students Society’s Strategic Planning and Community Involvement (SPCI) Committee held the third iteration of their annual SHOUT event on Thursday, May 8, 2014 in the Atrium of the Bellini building. The event, co-organized by the two second-year medical student co-coordinators of the SPCI, Carl White Ulysse and Mathew Cherian, was attended by some 80 students, faculty and staff.
Following opening remarks by Dr. David Eidelman, Vice-Principal (Health Affairs) and Dean, Faculty of Medicine at McGill, students took turns presenting their individual community outreach initiatives during three-minute presentations. At the of the event, attendees voted for one winning project, first-year medical student Saman Ahmad’s Health and Hygiene for the Homeless, which will receive $150 in additional funding from the SPCI.
In addition to the student presentations, the event featured a special performance by the Théâtre Aphasique, who were joined by several McGill medical students. The performance included the recitation of the following poem, an excerpt from the “Grand Corps Malade” text, found on the album “Enfant de la ville” from the piece “Mental”.
Et pour ça, il faut du cœur et un mental de résistant.
Il faut y croire un peu, y’a bien des fleurs qui poussent dans le sable
Et’ c’est quand tu te bats qu’il y a de belles victoires que tu peux arracher
Je n’apprends rien à personne, tu es vivant tu sais ce que c’est.
Vivre c’est accepter la douleur, les échecs et les décès
Et pour ça, il faut du cœur et un mental de résistant.
Click here to view coverage on CTV of Save the Mothers, one of the student initiatives presented during SHOUT