The McGill Students Chapter of the Canadian Liver Foundation invites you to participate in the CLF McGill Students DeLIVER: The Scoop on Hepatitis C and Liver Health conference and networking event. In partnership with the Canadian Liver Foundation (CLF) and Janssen Inc, this event aims to promote awareness, educate, and dispel misconceptions about Hepatitis C.
Monday, September 22, 2014
5:00 – 9:00 p.m. (Meet and Greet 5:00pm, Conference 6:00pm, Networking 7:30pm)
McCord Museum
690 Sherbrooke Street West
We are thrilled to announce our keynote speakers:

In addition, the event will be hosted by Mark Shalhoub.
This will be a one of a kind opportunity to listen to two amazing speakers and to network with doctors, professors, students, health professionals and representatives, the patients and public.
Admission to this event will be free, RSVP is mandatory. Please share the news with your colleagues and friends. Together, let’s be informed about hepatitis C and liver health!
To RSVP and register online, please visit:
For more information, please contact us: 514-876-4170 or

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