5 logos Eng & Fr
In the context of the proposed Charter of Quebec Values and its proposal related to the wearing of conspicuous religious symbols by state employees, the McGill University Health Centre, the Jewish General Hospital, St. Mary’s Hospital Center, the Douglas Mental Health University Institute and the McGill Faculty of Medicine – affirm their shared and steadfast belief in providing an open and welcoming environment to all doctors, health care professionals, scientists, support staff, students, residents, volunteers and patients where they are free to wear unconcealed religious symbols. We believe exercising this choice in no way impedes one’s capacity to carry out his or her professional activities in our academic and hospital communities.

Over the decades, the teaching hospitals affiliated with the McGill Faculty of Medicine, supported by a diverse and devoted community of doctors, health care professionals, support staff, scientists, residents, students and volunteers, have served with great pride and expertise Quebec patients from across the province, from different cultural, social, linguistic, religious and other backgrounds.

Together, we are committed to creating an environment that represents a wide range of cultural, religious and other perspectives, to provide excellence in education, research and health care for Quebec society.

5 names and titles


Jacques Hendlisz

Interim Director General

Jewish Rehabilitation Hospital

September 17, 2013



To read McGill’s brief regarding Bill 60, click here.

Click here to download SMHC brief regarding Bill 60.

To read the full JGH brief regarding Bill 60, click here.

Click here to view a thought-provoking video independently produced by Ari Grunzeweig of Imagination Creations on the Charter of Quebec Values that was recorded around the Jewish General Hospital.