colon cancer awarenessColon or colorectal cancer (CRC) is the second leading cause of both male and female cancer-related deaths in Canada. In 2013, an estimated 23,900 Canadians were diagnosed with colon cancer. And almost half of those diagnosed died. Surprisingly, colon cancer is one of the most preventable forms of cancer. If caught early, over 90% of these cases could and should result in a full recovery.

Colorectal cancer by the numbers:

  • 423 Canadians, on average, are diagnosed with CRC every week.
  • 175 Canadians, on average, die of this disease every week.
  • One in 14 men is expected to develop CRC during his lifetime and one in 27 will die of it.
  • One in 15 women is expected to develop CRC during her lifetime and one in 31 will die of it.

A few McGill experts for media purposes:
Dr. Christian Zalai, Lecturer, Department of Surgery, McGill University
Expertise: Colonoscopy, laparoscopic colon surgery, colorectal cancer and inflammatory bowel disease
Available for interviews in French and English
Dr. Alan Barkun, Professor of Medicine, Director of Digestive Endoscopy Division of Gastroenterology, McGill University and the McGill University Health Centre
Expertise: colorectal cancer screening.
Contact:, copy and
Available for interviews in French and English
*unavailable March 6-10 and March 20-25
Dr. Barry Stein, Director, Center for Colon and Rectal Surgery, McGill University Health Center; Assistant Professor of Surgery and Oncology, McGill University; Associate Program Director, General Surgery, McGill University
Dr. Philip Gordon, Professor, Departments of Surgery and Oncology;  Director, Colon and rectal Surgery, McGill University
Expertise:  Genetics of colon and rectal cancer

February 28, 2014