The Learner’s Quality Circle was formed in 2015 to garner feedback from learners within the Steinberg Centre for Simulation and Interactive Learning (SCSIL). Led by chair Valérie De Broux and co-chair David  D’Arienzo, the Committee is composed of students and residents who represent the McGill Health Sciences Schools of Physical & Occupational Therapy, Nursing, Medicine, and Communication Sciences and Disorders. These dedicated members perform research and gather feedback to provide a voice for the learners and to ensure that their expectations and needs are represented.  They also organize activities and events at the Centre to promote interprofessionalism and community outreach.  One such event is the Learner’s Quality Circle Open House, an invitation for new Health Sciences students to visit and explore the SCSIL facilities and to learn about the role the Centre plays in their respective programs.

Click here to watch the video of the last Open House event that took place on September 27, 2017.


October 13, 2017