As part of an ongoing Proud to Teach campaign in the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (FMHS), the office of the Vice-Dean, Education is continuing its two awards for teaching innovation: one for faculty and teaching staff, and one for learners. The goal of these awards is to recognize innovative teaching strategies that are learning- and learner-focused.

Some examples of innovations could include:

  • Peer-to-peer assessment strategies
  • Strategies to foster active learning
  • Educational innovations with potential to benefit learners from different professional backgrounds, and/or are translatable to other Departments, Schools or Faculties
  • Learner-driven initiatives that promote active learning


Faculty and teaching staff will be eligible if they meet the following criteria:

  • Are a faculty or teaching staff member in the FMHS
  • Applied a new educational and/or teaching innovation in a course, program, School, Department or Unit within the FMHS in the last two years.

Note: Teams composed of faculty and staff from different FMHS Schools may apply in a single submission.

Learners will be eligible if they meet the following criteria:

  • Are currently enrolled as an undergraduate, graduate, or health professional student or resident in the FMHS
  • Applied an educational and/or teaching innovation for learners in the FMHS.

Note: Teams composed of learners and faculty/teaching staff from the FMHS may apply in a single submission and will be considered separately for a Learner Award and/or Faculty Award.

The deadline for nominations is Sunday, November 26, 2023.

Click here for nomination submission details.


Farhan Bhanji, MD
Vice-Dean, Education
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences