To all Faculty members, learners and graduates:
To promote clinical innovation Faculty-wide, we are delighted to announce the launch of an all-new competition and prize:
The McGill Faculty of Medicine Clinical Innovation Competition (CLIC)
and the Dr. Ray Hakim Family Prize for Clinical Innovation in Health Care
The McGill Clinical Innovation Competition (CLIC) and Hakim Family Innovation Prize recognize McGill Faculty members, including learners and graduates, who conceive and develop novel ideas that aim to improve health outcomes, access for patients, or health care effectiveness or efficiency, locally or globally. Proposals submitted to the McGill Clinical Innovation Competition (CLIC) are screened, and finalists are selected and invited to “pitch” their idea during the CLIC event.
1st place winners of McGill’s Clinical Innovation Competition (CLIC) receive the prestigious Hakim Family Innovation Prize totaling $50,000, $10,000 of which is a monetary award and $40,000 is in the form of a credit for the development of proof of concept and preparation for commercialization or implementation.
2nd and 3rd place winners receive monetary awards of $5,000 and $1,000, respectively.
The launch of the McGill Clinical Innovation Competition (CLIC) and the Hakim Family Innovation Prize is intended to promote innovation Faculty-wide.
The deadline for inaugural submissions is February 28, 2018.
“CLIC” here to learn more about eligibility, timeline and criteria.
The McGill Clinical Innovation Competition (CLIC) is largely inspired by McGill Chair, Department of Surgery, Dr. Gerald Fried, who created the successful Surgical Innovation Program and competition. The Hakim Family Innovation Prize has been made possible thanks to the vision and support of Dr. Ray Hakim, MDCM, PhD, McGill alumnus, and distinguished leader and professor at the Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Tennessee and one of the founders of the Renal Care Group Inc.
We look forward to your submission,
Vice-Principal (Health Affairs)
Dean of the Faculty of Medicine
October 25, 2017