Marine Lingrand, a PhD student in Biochemistry at McGill University, is the award winner of the Relève étoile Jacques-Genest award of the Fonds de recherche du Québec – Santé (FRQS). Her Award-winning publication: SCD1 activity promotes cell migration via a PLD‑mTOR pathway in the MDA‑MB‑231 triple‑negative breast cancer cell line is published in Breast Cancer.

Breast cancer is the second most common cancer in women. Many are cured thanks to state-of-the-art screening and treatment. Even so, metastatic breast cancer is all too often resistant to treatment and incurable. The scientific community is still trying to find a way to effectively target metastases. The study led by Marine seeks to better understand how SCD1 and oleate contribute to migration, invasion and proliferation, which make up the deadly three-pronged process of metastatic breast cancer. The findings prove that slowing the activity of SCD1 effectively curbs metastatic breast cancer cell migration, invasion and proliferation.

Read the full abstract here.

The Relève étoile award (new name for the Étudiants-chercheurs étoiles award) is awarded to student-researchers by each of the three Fonds de recherche du Québec.

The FRQS Relève étoile award is now named after Jacques Genest as a tribute to this great researcher and builder.

To learn more about the awards, click here.




August 5, 2020