Registration is now open for the CRBLM Inaugural Symposium on Music and Language, to be held in Montréal, Canada on Friday, May 3rd and Saturday May 4th 2013. A brief conference program is included below.  Full details about the conference and registration information are available at

About the conference:

Language and music are arguably the most significant social and neurobiological endowments of humankind. At the Centre for Research on Brain, Language and Music (CRBLM) they are the framework through which our members address questions in human development, cognition, performance, function and dysfunction. They are also fruitful areas for cross-domain comparison. Music and language share many features such as a complex sound-pattern system, temporal structures, melody and intonation as well as sequencing and syntax. Conversely, differences in the domains illustrate what is unique about each. Please join us at our inaugural symposium in which we will explore these issues with local, national and international experts, with a focus this year on development.

For full details, visit our website: 


Friday, May 3rd


Jenny Saffran

(University of Wisconsin-Madison)

Music, language, and the infant mind: Mechanisms, interactions, and open questions


Sandra Trehub

(University of Toronto, Mississauga)

A musical path to language


Coffee break


David Poeppel

(New York University)

The temporal structure of perceptual experience


Linda Polka

(McGill University)

The imprint of native language rhythm on speech and music (?) processing


Lunch Break


Poster session


Aniruddh D. Patel

(Tufts University)

Auditory processing demands in speech and music: a developmental perspective


Roundtable on sensitive periods

Chaired by Virginia Penhune (Concordia University) with Etienne de Villers-Sidani (McGill University), Denise Klein (McGill University), Laurel Trainor (McMaster University) and Jenny Saffran (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

Saturday, May 4th


Coffee break


Nina Kraus

(Northwestern University)

Music, language and the brain: development and neuroeducational outcomes


Jon Sakata

(McGill University)

Songbirds as model systems for human speech and musical abilities




Lucie Ménard

(Université du Québec à Montréal)

Speech development and prosody: some theoretical and experimental issues


Laurel Trainor

(McMaster University)

The development of spectral and temporal (rhythmic) processes that underlie musical and linguistic communication

Contact information:

Contact Information

Contact: Lisa Coady
Organization: Centre for Research on Brain, Language and Music

April 4, 2013