JGH winner of HCPRA - Prix Hygeia AwardRegularly seen in the hands of JGH employees, volunteers and visitors, Pulse is a bi-monthly publication produced by Editor-in-Chief Megan Martin that features news updates and human-interest stories with a focus on JGH staff.

Senior Communications Specialist Henry Mietkiewicz, Communications Manager Stephanie Malley, and Director of Public Affairs and Communications Glenn J. Nashen are also very involved in its production, which it is distributed throughout the hospital and is available online at jgh.ca.

“We are thrilled with the national recognition for what we produce, since it reflects the dedication of our entire team on behalf of our staff and patients,” says Nashen, who accepted the award at the HCPRA’s annual conference in Halifax on June 11. “Every member of JGH staff plays an integral role in the care that patients receive, and Pulse will continue to keep them informed and portray their sincere commitment to patients from across Montreal and Quebec.”

Read the full story here.

June 27, 2013