Dear Colleagues,

Last week, you will have all received an email regarding R2R Workday, McGill’s new Academic Personnel and HR Management System.

Workday went live on Tuesday, August 4.

At this juncture, all McGill Academics and Administrative and Support Staff, most importantly those who supervise people, will have completed their training. For those of you who supervise people, it is critical that you are able to perform the actions required of you to avoid disruption to your direct reports. Disruptions could include payroll delays and time off/absence issues, among others. Of equal importance is that you verify your Workday inbox every day, so that you perform required actions on time.

If you have not completed your training:

  • Academics and Administrators who supervise people – log in to myCourses asap via this link to access your training.
  • All other employees who will use Workday only to view personal information, pay slips, etc. – log in via this link to access your training.

Note: Your McGill email address and password will be required to access both your training and Workday itself. If you are a clinical academic, and you have not yet activated your McGill email address, please do so now by contacting the McGill IT Service Desk at 514-398-3398.

In addition to your training, key individuals have been identified in each unit to support you in the transition. To locate these individuals, click here, and then click on Faculty of Medicine to access the drop-down menu.

Thank you for your collaboration in this major transition to Workday, which will significantly improve how we manage HR and Academic personnel across all our units.



David Eidelman, MDCM

Vice-Principal (Health Affairs)

Dean, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences

McGill University



August 13 2020