Physiotherapists are essential members of the healthcare team
Neurological disease often takes a toll on peoples’ ability to move. At The Neuro, a team of physiotherapists works closely with the rest of the healthcare staff to help rehabilitate patients, allowing them to regain independence and mobility.
Physiotherapists assess a patient’s condition by asking questions and physical examination, diagnose the problems that limit mobility and determine the best treatment to overcome the patient’s challenges. They also help patients learn to use mobility aids like walkers and canes.
“Our team bring a wide range of expertise together to better serve patients,” says Maura Fisher, a physiotherapist at The Neuro since 2006. “It’s like the parable of the blind men and the elephant. We all bring different observations to the table and together they create a more nuanced picture of a patient. That is our strength, in living with neurological illnesses, we understand that patients need teams.”
Fisher says she likes the human connection in her work, collaborating with her team members and the patient to improve the patient’s life. “It’s a great métier if you like a very dynamic work atmosphere, and you enjoy helping people remain active and mobile.”
Allison Jacobson, a physiotherapist at The Neuro since 2010, enjoys the fact that each patient is different, representing a new challenge each day.
“I love working with patients and helping them reach their goals,” she says. “There is nothing better than hearing or seeing a former patient come back to The Neuro as a completely different person now that they’ve recovered. There are also sad moments when patients succumb to their conditions, but the silver lining is if we were able to help them be comfortable, be at home for as long as they possibly could.”
As acute care health professionals, physiotherapists work in a fast-paced environment, working with nurses, doctors and other staff to build a care plan specific and relevant to each patient. Jacobson says she enjoys building this plan and then helping the patient put it in action.
“I just love seeing their progress and determination. Everyone contributes and helps our patient the best as we possibly can.”