Dear Colleagues,

I am delighted that the Fédération des médecins résidents du Québec (FMRQ) and Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux (MSSS) have reached an agreement in principle. The past several months have proved challenging for our teaching staff, students, residents and support teams. We have done our utmost to meet our educational responsibilities to our trainees during a period of difficult contract negotiations. I wish to thank you personally for the additional efforts you have made to ensure adequate teaching to our students. As well, you have worked with the Faculty to maintain the collegial interactions essential in carrying out our clinical and educational responsibilities.

Now that there is a tentative agreement between the parties involved, we must all strive to rapidly re-establish the teaching environment required to meet our educational objectives.

Thank you for what you have done and your commitment to the academic mission of our Faculty.


Samuel Benaroya, MDCM

Interim Vice-Principal (Health Affairs)

Interim Dean of the Faculty of Medicine