Sent on behalf of the Steinberg Centre for Simulation and Interactive Learning


Dear colleagues,

In keeping with McGill University’s directives to cancel all in-person events, please note that the Steinberg Centre for Simulation and Interactive Learning will be closed until June 5, 2020 inclusively and that all workshops and activities scheduled up to that date will be cancelled.

It is crucial that we respect the government’s ban on in-person gatherings and continue to take key hygiene precautions. These measures are the only ways we can “flatten the curve” — and the sooner we do that, the sooner we can get back together.

We have compiled a list of educational and simulation-based resources on our website for health care professionals who are caring for patients in the COVID-19 context. If anyone has additional resources to share, please forward these to my attention.

Thank you for your understanding as we continue to navigate these uncertain times together.



Gerald M. Fried, MDCM, FRCSC, FACS, FCAHS, M.S.C.

Professor of Surgery

Associate Dean, Education Technology and Innovation

Director, Steinberg Centre for Simulation and Interactive Learning

McGill University Faculty of Medicine

3575 Parc Ave, Suite 5640, Montreal, Quebec H2X 3P9

Senior Surgeon, Division of General Surgery

Medical Director, Clinical Innovation Platform (CLIP)

McGill University Health Centre

1650 Cedar Avenue, #L9.121, Montreal, Quebec H3G 1A4




March 25 2020