Dr. Reut Gruber, Associate Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at McGill University’s Faculty of Medicine was included among the list of 2019 Women’s Y Foundation laureates announced last week, who will be honoured on September 26, 2019 at The Windsor Montreal during the 26th Women of Distinction Awards.
The Women of Distinction Award is a celebration and recognition of the outstanding contribution that the awarded recipients make to the community in various fields. The event is also intended to financially support the YWCA’s initiatives for women and girls in Montreal. Dr. Gruber, who is also Director of the Attention Behaviour and Sleep Laboratory at the Douglas Mental Health University Institute, will receive the award in the Public Services category.
“I am grateful for the recognition that comes with this award, and I am so thankful for my wonderful community partners who have worked with me to produce innovative programs and tools to support healthy sleep for all children,” says Dr. Gruber. “Being selected for this award reinforces my belief that hard work, vision and excellent partners can make a measurable difference in the lives of children. This has been a key goal of the work I pursue.”
A clinical scientist, educator, and practitioner, Dr. Gruber is the recipient of grants from the Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR), the Canadian Foundation for Innovation (CFI), the Natural Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC), Fonds de la recherche en santé du Québec (FRSQ), the American Academy of Sleep Medicine Foundation, and the Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). She uses these funds to better understand the interplay between sleep and mental health and cognition, and to use the knowledge gained from her research to develop evidence-based interventions to improve youth mental and cognitive health. Dr. Gruber has obtained multiple career awards from provincial and federal funding agencies in Canada (FRSQ and CIHR). Dr. Gruber translates her research findings into tools for healthcare providers and educators, to promote healthy sleep in children and adolescents by creating evidence-based resources to optimize the care of children with sleep disorders. She has assumed a variety of leadership roles in professional organizations and societies at both national and international levels. She is currently serving on the Canadian Sleep Society Board of Directors, and the program committee of the World Sleep Society’s upcoming biannual meeting.
Congratulations Dr. Gruber!
April 4, 2019