Pfizer Canada announced the second round of recipients of the Psychiatry Research Awards Program. The program, launched in May 2011, was developed to advance clinical research and patient care in psychiatry by supporting Canadian investigators in their research efforts.

Along with Dr. Rajamannar Ramasubbu, MD, Associate Professor, Hotchkiss Brain Institute, University of Calgary, Dr. Jorge Armony, PhD, Douglas Mental Health University Institute, McGill University will receive $100,000 to support his research in psychiatric diseases.

The Psychiatry Research Awards Program is a competitive research grant program open to all researchers interested in psychiatric diseases including physicians and academics.

“It is an honor to receive this award. The research we’re doing is helping us better understand emotional disorders and seek more effective treatments,” says Dr. Armony, who is conducting research on how the brain detects, analyzes and responds to environmental events with affective value and how these processes can affect those living with bipolar disorder. “Better understanding the neural basis of emotion might eventually lead to new mood stabilizer treatments and therapies for this disorder.”

“This year’s submissions to the Pfizer Psychiatry Research Awards Program showcase the quality of mental health research that is happening across the country,” says Dr. MacQueen. “This research makes a difference to Canadians in so many different areas, so to recognize the outstanding work of remarkable Canadian researchers driving world-class research is truly an honour.”


To read the full press release click here

May 14, 2013