Dr. Carmen G. Loiselle, Director of the McGill University Oncology Nursing Program, Associate Professor at the McGill School of Nursing, Holder of Christine and Herschel Victor Research Chair in Psychosocial Oncology /Hope & Cope, Senior Nurse Scientist at the Centre for Nursing Research and Project Director at the Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research of the Jewish General Hospital is the recipient of the 2012 Prix Florence – Research in Nursing of the Ordre des infirmières et infirmiers du Québec (OIIQ).
The Ordre des Infirmières et Infirmiers du Québec (OIIQ) awarded the 2012 Prix Florence in the Leadership category to Assistant Professor Michelle Nadon in recognition of her role as Director of Nursing, in building and sustaining the quality of care at the Jewish Rehabilitation Hospital. Bravo, Michelle! Spring 2012
The Ordre des Infirmières et Infirmiers du Québec (OIIQ) awarded the 2012 Prix Florence in Sickness Prevention to Faculty Lecturer Esther Dajczman. With a career that spans 25 years, Esther has devoted her professional life to patients with Chronic Pulmonary Obstructive Disease (COPD) and those suffering from lung cancer. She receives this award in recognition of the quality of care and creative initiatives that have led to a marked drop in patient hospitalizations and Emergency Room visits. Spring 2012
The presentation of these prestigious awards was celebrated at the Soirée des prix Florence on May 2, 2012, a benefit event for the OIIQ’s Foundation, the Fondation de recherche en sciences infirmières du Québec (FRESIQ).
Each recipient received a gold pin, created especially by Quebec jeweller Anne Fauteux.
This award acknowledges the remarkable contribution by a nurse to the advancement of knowledge and development of nursing through her research and its dissemination.
The Ordre des infirmières et infirmiers du Québec, duly incorporated under the provisions of the Nurses Act, is a professional order whose main function is to ensure the protection of the public, in accordance with Quebec’s Professional Code, by regulating the practice of nursing by its members.
With more than 71, 000 members, the OIIQ is a major partner in the health and social services network.
May 17, 2012