I am writing to announce that Leo Teatero, our Academic Events Administrator, has decided to leave the University to pursue other interests.
Leo has been an integral member of the Faculty of Medicine team since 2007 and has played a significant role in the Faculty’s advancement. He worked on successful events having to do, amongst others, with the McGill Life Sciences Complex, the Rosalind and Morris Goodman Cancer Research Centre and the Ingram School of Nursing, and also produced Faculty events like Ovation, Convocation, Homecoming and the White Coat Ceremony.
I take this opportunity to thank Leo for his hard work and dedication to our Faculty, and for his unwavering commitment to our students, doctors and the greater Medicine alumni community during all his years with us.
Leo will be moving to France in the next months. We wish him well and success in all of his future endeavours.
Dr. David Eidelman
Vice-Principal (Health Affairs)
Dean of the Faculty of Medicine
December 4, 2015