On June 7, the Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics held an event to recognize three 2017 student award recipients.
Catherine Boudrias was presented with the Mark Nickerson Prize, named in honour of Professor Mark Nickerson, a renowned McGill pharmacologist.
Leslie Scarffe was presented with the Merck Canada Award, given annually to a medical student who has achieved excellence in FMD and has demonstrated promise in the field of pharmacology.
Finally, Brianne Wartman was presented with the QuintilesIMS Bursary in Pharmacology, established in 2000 to recognize the FMD student who comes in first in the pharmacology bursary or prizes competition.
Dr. Gerhard Multhaup, Chair of Pharmacology & Therapeutics presented each student with their awards.
Congratulations to the three recipients!
June 9, 2017