Category: Training for professionals
Cross training is an approach which is increasingly used to improve the operation between service networks and crossing areas. The interface between mental health systems and justice is a good example of these so-called “intersectorial” services.
This cross training session aims to improve the understanding of the role and reality of all actors involved in the trajectories of individuals with mental health problems incurred in a judicial process.
Lectures by actors from different backgrounds and different realities take place early in the day to learn more about the different sectors involved in the interface between mental health and justice. Then, an exchange session based on clinical case vignettes will allow participants to meet professionals from different backgrounds and learn more about their particular realities. These exchanges will allow a discussion of issues related to the interface between mental health and justice, pointing out possible solutions and research needs to overcome these issues.
For more details, consult the program (in French).
You can also print the poster.
- Acquire a better understanding of the different possible trajectories of individuals with mental health problems incurred in a judicial process.
- Create links with other participants involved in various sectors of the interface between mental health and justice.
- Actors from the justice system (police, lawyers, judges, etc..) and health system (nurses, psychiatrists, social workers, psychologists, etc.)
- Clinicians, as well as researchers, and policy makers , involved in these two sectors are invited to share their knowledge and realities with all participants.
From 8:30 am to 6:00 pm
Snacks and a meal will be served free of charge
Douglas Hall, Douglas Institute
How to get to the Douglas
Parking is available on site at a rate of $3 per day (payable on site, cash or credit card).
The cross-training day is free but online registration is compulsory. This free training day is made possible by a grant from the Équipe de recherche déficience intellectuelle, trouble envahissant du développement et intersectorialité.
Fill out the online form
You have to register before May 10, 2012. You will receive an email confirmation before May 11, 2012.
No on-site registrations will be accepted.
Geneviève Morin
Coordonnatrice à la recherche et au transfert des connaissances
Tél.: (514) 761-6131, poste 3480
April 27, 2012