Dear members of the McGill community,

Yesterday, the Government of Quebec moved Montreal from Level 1 (green) to Level 2 (yellow) under the progressive regional alert and intervention system for COVID-19. Level 2 indicates a rise in cases and is an early warning to encourage stricter compliance with public health directives.

The Direction régionale de la santé publique (DRSP) has indicated to us that no change in McGill’s operations is needed at this time. All available on-campus spaces—including Teaching Hubs, Study Hubs, and workspaces—have been designed to ensure the safety of our campus community.

To increase transparency, we have recently launched a COVID-19 Case Status webpage. It gives the current number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in McGill students and employees who were present on our campuses in the seven days prior to their diagnosis.

The low number of cases on campus thus far is in large part due to your great respect for each other and willingness to follow public health directives. We need to continue to be cautious. You can find McGill’s general health directives as well as the health directives for your specific population (students or employees, including student employees) on our Coronavirus Information site.

Thank you again for staying vigilant and doing your part to keep everyone safe.


Fabrice Labeau

Deputy Provost (Student Life and Learning), on behalf of the Emergency Operations Centre