Quebec’s faculties of medicine are very pleased with the results of the latest residency matching. Following the completion of the second iteration of the Canadian Resident Matching Service (CaRMS) process, 894 future residents – including 458 in Family Medicine – were matched and will begin their training this summer.
This year’s incoming class represents one of the largest cohorts of future family physicians completing their residency in this inspiring and multidimensional specialty, which is in great demand across Quebec. Over 51% of all filled residency positions this year were in family medicine. These numbers should rise in the coming years as, beginning this fall, Quebec’s medical faculties welcome larger cohorts of medical students.
The future residents will be deployed in stimulating clinical training environments across the province where they will provide much-needed services to highly diverse populations, including in regions where healthcare shortages persist. Quebec’s four faculties of medicine are actively working together to promote the field of family medicine and increase the attractiveness of the diverse training environments throughout the province, while ensuring the highest-quality medical education. These efforts are bearing fruit: between 2010 and 2024 there has been a 36% increase in annual admissions to family medicine programs.
“We are encouraged by the results of the 2024 CaRMS match and proud of our communities, our students and our training partners. Social responsibility is at the heart of all that we do. We have mobilized to promote our training environments and enhance the practice of family medicine, particularly in areas where needs are most pressing. This collaborative action has already produced tangible results that are improving the health of Quebecers, and we will continue in our collective efforts,” says Dr. Julien Poitras, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at Université Laval and Chair of the Conference of Deans of the Faculties of Medicine of Quebec.
Collaborative solutions to pursue
The four faculties of medicine will continue contributing to the goal of filling all positions in family medicine, working with the Government of Quebec and other partners in their training networks to address current challenges. Concrete actions to highlight the profession include, among others: increasing exposure to family medicine during the medical student journey and through various activities; the ongoing work of our students in Family Medicine Interest Groups; and our participation in the Table nationale de concertation sur la valorisation de la médecine de famille, a joint initiative of the Quebec Ministry of Health and Social Services and the Fédération des médecins omnipraticiens du Québec.
Communications Department
Université Laval
418 656-3355