Bravo! A team in Oncology has won the Prix de cancérologie 2022 for Belong, the app launched by our CIUSSS this year to support patients and families through their cancer trajectory.
The prize from the Ministry of Health and Social Services was awarded on November 17 to a multidisciplinary team from the Jewish General Hospital in the category of “Support for People Affected by Cancer.” The Belong app, which has been downloaded 280 times, offers patients and families bilingual information, resources, and support throughout the cancer care journey.
“Receiving this recognition from the Programme québécois de cancérologie is a real honour for our organization,” says Isabelle Caron, Associate Director of Nursing for CIUSSS West-Central Montreal. “This prize represents the commitment and dynamism by our multidisciplinary teams in Oncology toward patients and their families. A big congratulations to the teams.”
Among the members of the winning team are, clockwise from the bottom left: Félix Prophète, Specialist in Administrative Procedures; Dr. Gerald Batist, Director of the Segal Cancer Centre; Karine Lepage, Clinical-Administrative Coordinator in Medicine and Oncology; Carly Berlin,social worker; Gabrielle Chartier, Clinical Nurse Consultant in Oncology; Gabrielle Rokas-Germain, nurse; Renata Benc, Clinical Nurse Consultant in Oncology; Saima Ahmed, Doctoral Candidate in Experimental Medicine; and Annie Werbitt, Support Program Coordinator and Social Work Intern. See the photo below for the full list of team members.