Pioneering study reveals association of chronic pain and broad epigenetic changes.
The McGill research is the first to link chronic pain to genome-wide epigenetic changes in the brain. “Injury results in long-term changes to the DNA markings in the brain; our work shows it might be possible to reverse the effects of chronic pain by interventions using either behavioral or pharmacological means that interfere with DNA methylation, says Prof. Szyf. ”Our findings have the potential to completely alter the way we treat chronic pain.”
In this study, the researchers show that behavioral interventions that reverse chronic pain also remove differences in DNA methylation in the brain.
The team report alterations in global DNA methylation are observed in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) and amygdala of mice many months following injury to a nerve, and that environmental enrichment reduces both the pain and the pathological changes in PFC global methylation. They also found that the total amount of global methylation in the PFC significantly correlates with pain severity.
“These results suggest that epigenetic modulation mediates chronic pain-related alterations in the central nervous system (CNS), forming a “memory trace” for pain in the brain that can be targeted therapeutically, says Stone. Since epigenetics respond to environmental changes, these mechanisms represent a mind-body link between chronic pain and the brain at the genomic level. “The implications of this work are wide reaching and may alter the way we think about chronic pain diagnosis, research and treatment”.