The events commemorating David Colman (Neuro Director 2000-2011) are approaching quickly. Please visit the website for more details and to register.
May 16th, 4:00 – 5:00 pm: Opening Commemoration followed by a reception. CBC News: Morning Anchor Heather Hiscox will host this celebration of David Colman’s life and legacy.
May 16th, 7:00 pm: Myelin – Perspectives and Advances. This scientific symposium will feature lectures by world-leading experts in the biology of glia and myelination.
May 17th, 8:00 am: Neuro Engineering, Cognition and Synaptogenesis. Hosted by The Globe and Mail’s André Picard, this one day symposium features a distinguished line-up of internationally renowned experts in the fields of neuro-engineering, synaptogenesis and cognition.
To register and for more information please go to:
David Colman was an outstanding cellular biologist who made fundamental scientific contributions in the areas of myelin biology, the synapse, and the mechanisms of cell adhesion. He was deeply committed to Wilder Penfield’s vision of an integrated research and clinical institution and through his championship of The Neuro and its staff, he drew people in, captivating them with the promise of a new neuroscience.
Please mark your calendar and join us to celebrate and remember David Colman.