HeaDS uP

The scientific poster session at the Heads Up on the Concussion Issue event will provide a forum for academics, clinicians and students to share information and learn about the latest research on Concussion. The content of the poster sessions will be based on submitted abstracts in the field of neuroscience with a focus on Traumatic Brain Injury. This poster session will take place on Friday, January 27, 2017 from 4pm to 7pm and resume from 9pm to 10pm.

Following a review by the program scientific committee, authors of the most promising submissions will be asked to present their research.  This contest is open to clinical and research fellows, residents, medical students, post-docs and graduate students. The abstract submission deadline is November 16, 2016.  You will receive notification of your paper’s acceptance by December 16, 2016.
Abstract Submission Guidelines

  • Abstracts should be limited to one page of text on a Word document, not to exceed 500 words.
  • Presenting author’s contact details should contain: email address, full postal address, telephone number, author details, full and first family name(s) and affiliation details (department/institution/hospital/city).
  • Single space, but leave a space between the title/author and the main text.

Submit your abstract to debbie.rashcovsky@mcgill.ca






October 28, 2016