September 2, 2014
Dear Class of 2015 and 2016:
Dr. Sherif Emil is stepping down as Clerkship Chair, effective today. I wish to acknowledge Dr. Emil’s contributions to the Clerkship curriculum, the Introduction to Clerkship course and to student wellness and the learning environment over the past year.
Dr. Beth-Ann Cummings will step in as the Clerkship Component Director (new title), with Dr. Leonora Lalla as Assistant Clerkship Component Director. Dr. Cummings held the Clerkship Chair position before Dr. Emil and Dr. Lalla is the current Family Medicine Clerkship Director. I welcome them both and know that you are in good hands. Much of their work over the next year will be to support you through Clerkship, plan for the implementation of the new Clerkship in July 2015, and prepare for the Accreditation visit that will take place in February 2015.
Dr. Beth-Ann Cummings completed her undergraduate and postgraduate medical training at McGill University and a Masters in Health Professions Education at Maastricht University. She is a General Internist at the Jewish General Hospital. She has led the development of a new, more integrated, clerkship curriculum which will be implemented at McGill University in July 2015. Her research interests include Assessment in Undergraduate Medical Education and longitudinal integrated curricula.
Dr. Leonora Lalla completed her medical degree and Family Medicine residency at McGill University. She is a practicing family physician at St. Mary’s
Hospital where she follows patients of all ages. She has held the position of Director of Undergraduate Education in the Department of Family Medicine since 2010 and has been actively involved in the development of the new curriculum at McGill University, most notably the Longitudinal Family Medicine Experience. She has a strong interest in the continuum of learning and is the Quebec Representative to the National Committee on Continuing Professional Development for the College of Family Physicians of Canada.
Robert Primavesi, MDCM, FCFP(EM)
Associate Dean
Undergraduate Medical Education and Student Affairs