Dear members of the Fall 2020 graduating class and the McGill community,
Convocation is a significant milestone, and an important celebration for both our graduating students and our community. Unfortunately, in light of current government and public health directives governing large gatherings, as well as travel restrictions into and out of Canada, we have decided against proceeding with in-person Fall Convocation ceremonies this year. I know this news will come as a disappointment to our Fall graduates and their family and friends.
During these past months, we have all had to reimagine how we connect with each other and how to celebrate achievement. This reimagining has certainly come with its own set of challenges, but it has also given way to many beautiful moments of exuberance and hope.
In June, McGill had its inaugural Virtual Convocation Ceremonies. These ceremonies allowed us to come together as a global community to honour our graduates even in the face of uncertain circumstances. On Thursday, November 5th, 2020, our Fall graduates will be honoured during their own Virtual Convocation Ceremonies. More details, including a ceremony schedule and ways to participate, will be shared as soon as they become available.
I know that many of our graduates are awaiting news on when and how we can hold in-person ceremonies. We are continuously monitoring public health directives and will share an update in early December regarding our plans for these ceremonies.
Congratulations to our graduating students — you have worked incredibly hard and have achieved so much. In the words of Dr. Laurent Duvernay-Tardif (MD ’18, Super Bowl Champion ‘20) during our Spring 2020 Virtual Ceremonies, “no matter what happens, nobody’s going to be able to take [that] away from you.”
Suzanne Fortier
Principal and Vice-Chancellor
McCall MacBain Professor