Holmes Lectures Eng

The Andrew F. Holmes Dean of Medicine Distinction Lectures (Holmes Lectures) is a newly launched program based on the original Foundations of Medical Science Series. The Holmes Lectures will attract outstanding leaders in research, education and health care from around the globe. Up to two lectures will be held each year.

Title: Stem cells and early lineage development

Janet RossantSpecial Guest speaker: Janet Rossant PhD

2005 CIHR Michael Smith Prize in Health Research

Chief of Research, SickKids

Senior Scientist, Developmental & Stem Cell Biology, SickKids

Lombard Insurance Chair in Paediatric Research

University Professor, Departments of Molecular Genetics, Obstetrics and Gynaecology

University of Toronto

2004 Killam Prize for Health Sciences

Friday, October 18, 2013

11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

CP Leblond Amphitheatre, Strathcona Anatomy and Dentistry Building

3640 rue University


For more info and to register, click here.


September 20, 2013