An innovative medical education program in Outaouais: integrated externship
October 1, 2010
The first cohort, composed of nine students, arrived this August to pursue their medical education. The program combines clinical exposure, teaching and learning by clinical reasoning. The first nine students (l to r): Brian Lee, Mathieu Bouvier-Revéret, Nicholas Chadi, Jessica Breton, Majenta Whyte Potter-Mäl, Marie-Ève Robinson, Raven Dumont-Maurice, Milena Garofalo, Alyson Baker. Photo: Marc Rousso
The physicians form nine medical clinics, those of CSSS de Gatineau and Centre hospitalier Pierre-Janet (CHPJ), provide teaching and medical supervision to students throughout the integrated externship. The students can also complete their 4th year of training in the region.
“Medical students must be given the benefit of the rich experience offered by the first and second-line medical environments,” pointed out Dr. Gilles Brousseau, Director of Medical Education at the Outaouais Health Campus.
From l. to r. : Dr. Samuel Benaroya, Associate Vice-principal, Health Affairs, Faculty of Medicine of McGill University, Dr. Guy Morissette, director of the Agence de santé et des services sociaux of Outaouais, Dr. Suzanne Bouchard, Medical Director of the Unité de médecine familiale (UMF) of the Centre de santé et de services sociaux de Gatineau and Dr. Gilles Brousseau, Director of Medical Education for Campus Santé Outaouais. Photo: Marc Rousso From l. to r. : Dr. Samuel Benaroya, Associate Vice-principal, Health Affairs, Faculty of Medicine of McGill University, Dr. Guy Morissette, director of the Agence de santé et des services sociaux of Outaouais, Dr. Suzanne Bouchard, Medical Director of the Unité de médecine familiale (UMF) of the Centre de santé et de services sociaux de Gatineau and Dr. Gilles Brousseau, Director of Medical Education for Campus Santé Outaouais. Photo: Marc Rousso