The Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal was presented to 33 recipients from various walks of life during a presentation ceremony on Sunday, October 21, 2012, at the Residence of the Governor General at the Citadelle of Québec. His Excellency the Right Honourable David Johnston, Governor General of Canada, presided over the ceremony.

McGill faculty include: Dr. Frederick Andermann, For his significant contributions to the treatment of epilepsy; Dr. Richard Leign Cruess, O.C., O.Q., In recognition of his innovations in the field of ethics in medicine; Dr. Sylvia R. Cruess, O.C., For the key role she played in drafting an international code of conduct for physicians

Margaret Lock, O.C., O.Q., For her groundbreaking research in the field of medical anthropology; Dr. Jonathan Larmonth Meakins, O.C., For his internationally renowned expertise in the field of medical research; Charles Robert Scriver, C.C., For his significant work in the development of human genetics; Mark A. Wainberg, O.C., O.Q., For his major contributions to the study and treatment of HIV/AIDS
News Release


October 21, 2012