The 2012 Neuro Film Series season will begin on Wednesday, October 24 at 6:30 pm.  They will be showing the Academy Award winning science fiction film “Charly” (1968), which is an adaptation of “Flowers for Algernon” by Daniel Keyes. It chronicles the life of a patient who undergoes an experimental neurosurgical procedure to enhance his IQ. The film explores relationships between neurosurgery and neuropsychology, intellect and emotion, love and loss. At the end of the film, our Neuro host, Dr. Jeffrey Hall will discuss the film and welcome questions and comments.
Dr. Hall is a neurosurgeon dedicated to the surgical care of patients with epilepsy. He holds undergraduate and graduate degrees in Neuropsychology earned under the mentorship of Dr. Doreen Kimura who was Dr. Brenda Milner’s first PhD student.

Discover science at the movies on October 24, 6:30 pm at the Neuro Film Series!

Neuro Movie Nights are free and snacks can be purchased (including wraps and popcorn)!

All films take place at:

The Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital

3801 University street

Jeanne Timmins amphitheatre

For more information contact: or 514-398-6047

We look forward to seeing you there!

October 17, 2012