From the Canada Research Chairs website (

GUELPH, Ontario, October 12, 2011 | Scientists at universities across Canada will begin new research into cancer, advanced robotics, physical activity, child and youth injuries, water quality and many other areas as part of an investment in the Canada Research Chairs Program. The announcement was made by the Honourable Gary Goodyear, Minister of State (Science and Technology), while speaking at the University of Guelph.

“Our government is investing in the people and ideas that will keep Canada at the forefront of the global economy,” said Minister Goodyear. “The Canada Research Chairs Program is helping to develop, attract and retain the world’s top researchers here in our country.”

In total, 253 newly awarded or renewed Canada Research Chairs at 56 Canadian degree-granting postsecondary institutions are being awarded $203.9 million to undertake new research. This federal investment allows Canadian institutions to strengthen their position as global leaders in research and development, bringing greater economic opportunities for Canadians.

To read the full press release, click here.


In total, 24 Canada Research Chairs were awarded to McGill University, including eight members from the Faculty of Medicine. Their names and research topics are listed below:

Dr. Antoine Adamantidis (Optogenetic probing of sleep-wake circuits of the brain) – Tier 2, New
Dr. John Breitner (Prevention of Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia) – Tier 1, New
Dr. Sarah Kimmins (Epigenetics, Reproduction and Development) – Tier 2, Resubmission
Dr. Mark Lathrop (Medical Genomics) – Tier 1, New
Dr. Arijit Nandi (Political Economy of Global Health) – Tier 2, New
Dr. Martin Schmeing (Structural Biology of Macromolecular Machines) – Tier 2, New
Dr. Andrea Tone (Social History of Medicine) – Tier 1, Renewal
Dr. Silvia Vidal (Host Response to Virus Infection) – Tier 1, Renewal